The Magician on the Skywalk 

#interactiveinstallation #3dmodeling
Taipei, 2019

The Magician on the Skywalk is an interactive exhibition held by ThinKingDom. We were deeply inspired by several stories in the novel of the same name, and decided to transform them into an immersive experience. This project displays the turnstile and passages that are most representative in the book, and interprets the undescribable emotions into the animation of flowing words.
In the 80s, kids ran through the turnstile or played on it; it was a symbol representing an era. At that moment, people were experiencing extraordinary economic success, children didn't aware that everything would change enormously.
Client: ThinKingDom Design Director: Chiaowei Ho Designer: Chiaowei Ho, Zhenchi Lai, Guanhao Zhu Animation: Guanhao Zhu

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